As we welcome the official start of Summer and honor our fallen military heroes this Memorial Day, we’re reeling from the massacres in Buffalo and Uvalde. Our hearts go out to those families and our desire for quick policy changes and sensible gun control measures can not be understated.
5.19.22 Community Updates
Mayor Harrell has invited all of us to roll up our sleeves and participate in Saturday’s One Seattle day of Service. Beautify beaches and neighborhoods, paint murals, or pick up trash—over 100 volunteer opportunities are available—helping Seattle is at your fingertips! Search and register for an event here.
5.12.22 Community Updates
Cold, cloudy, and rainy today and through the weekend, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get out and do something fun or get into some good trouble. Check out these 15 rainy day activities. There is also a Bans Off Seattle with Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates protest scheduled for Saturday. 💪
It’s National Limerick Day, I’ll leave you with this clean nerdy one:
There was a young woman named Kite,
Whose speed was much faster than light,
She set out one day,
In a relative way,
And returned on the previous night.
5.5.22 Community Updates
We are heartbroken this week about the leaked draft opinion from the Supreme Court, signaling their intention to overturn 50 years of legal precedence and strip access to abortion to millions of Americans. Learn more about what this decision would mean in Washington State and make a contribution to local advocacy groups (Pro-Choice Washington) and abortion funds (NW Abortion Access Fund) here at home. And of course, make sure you are voting in every election and confirm that your voter registration is up to date.
4.28.22 Community Updates
Today is International Girls in Information and Telecommunication Technologies Day, learn more by visiting UN Women on Twitter.
May 1st welcomes the beginning of Asian Pacific Heritage Month and Jewish American Heritage Month which is awesome. May the Fourth be with you, we hope it’s a good one … and to all of our pals across the pond and around the world happy International Workers’ Day. Power to the people! ✊
4.21.22 Community Updates
The theme of Earth Day 2022 is Invest In Our Planet. Because a green future is a prosperous future. Learn how to celebrate Earth Day around Puget Sound.