by msjones msjones


We’ve been thinking a lot about education. Last week, we hosted Lisa Chick from Alliance for Education for one of our Roadmap to Recovery events. In the last few months, and some of our members partnered with Seattle Public Schools and others to run the Family Tech Support Center — helping families navigate the shift to online learning. Did you see our report? On Monday, our partner Communities In Schools of Seattle is launching their back to school supply drive. This week, there’s news that King County’s transmission rate is too high to safely reopen schools. What questions do you have about regional public education? Digital equity? How reopening schools ultimately impacts general reopening plans? Drop us a line and let us know.

In community,
The Team

Tech Updates

Individual Actions

Local News Roadmap to Recovery Series

We’re taking a break from events for the rest of the summer. You can read about the complexity and interconnectedness of the issues our region will need to overcome as we reopen and define the “new normal” on our blog.